Bridging the Chasm Summit



Do you want to own a thriving, profitable business that 
doesn’t require all your time and attention ? ? ?

Get more Ideal clients, automate your business, & find rock star employees

bridging the chasm summit

Learn for FREE from Top Experts during our Live Summit Feb. 22-24th

FEBRUARY 22nd - 24th, 2021
A virtual summit with some of the most amazing interviews with experts who will be sharing their secrets of building that business that most people only dream about. They will share their stories, their strategies, and the shifts we all need to make to go from being “owned” to owning a profit machine!

Are you . . .

- Tired of working 60-100+ hours . . .
- Trying to wear all the hats in your business . . .
- Feel like you are on a hamster wheel and not making headway . . .
- Looking for tools and strategies to take your business to the next level . . .


You will learn . . .

- the major lessons that over a dozen industry experts learned on their journey to building 7-figure businesses
- how to build your team of advisors and employees, and leverage them to free your time
- the shifts you need to make to stop being the Operator and become the leader in your business
- strategies and tactics you can use to get more leads and automate your business

Hawk Mikado

7 Figure Funnel Genius

How to build an effective lead magnet in less than a day!

Jessica Rhodes

Founder of Interview Connections

From $15/hour contractor to CEO of 7 figure business

John Jonas

CEO of

How to find an great, inexpensive Virtual Assistant

Paul Martinelli

Janitor to CEO of the
John Maxwell Team

from mop bucket to millionaire

Wanda Turini

Inventor and Business Founder

Boost the impact and ROI of every appearance

Dr. Krista Ryan

Entrepreneur & Chiropractor

Matt Leitz

Serial Entrepreneur & 
CEO of BotBuilders

making business automation simple

Mike Capuzzi

Inventor and Business Founder

How to presell you and your offering with a shook


Feb. 22nd

Hawk Mikado

7 Figure Funnel Genius

Jessica Rhodes

From $15/Hour Contractor To 
CEO Of 7 Figure Business

Mike Capuzzi

How to Presell You with a Book

Nikki Nash

Marketing Your Genius

Jim Padilla

Sales Secrets!

Brian Lovegrove

The 5 things you are doing wrong with personal growth!

Feb. 23rd

Wanda Toro Turini

Boost The Impact And ROI Of Every Appearance

John Jonas

How To Find An Great, Inexpensive Virtual Assistant

Cyndi Padilla

Creating The Culture To Attract The Rock Stars

Mike Jesowshek, CPA

Small Biz Tax Saving Secrets

Brian Lovegrove

Unleash Your Fear!

Feb. 24th

Matt Leitz

Failing My Way to Success

Paul Martinelli

From Mop Bucket To Millionaire

Elisabeth Kristoff

Destress To Thrive In A Crisis!

Dr. Joli Hamilton, CSE

Stop Sacrificing Your Relationship For Your Business

Brian Lovegrove


Jim Padilla

Sales & Marketing 

Sales Success!

Nikki Nash

Mastering your Marketing

Cyndi Padilla

Queen of 
Making Things Happen

Creating the Culture to attract the rock stars

Elisabeth Kristoff

Brain Based Wellness

Destress to Thrive in a crisis!

Mike Jesowshek CPA 

Entrepreneur, Accountant

Small Biz Tax Saving Secrets

Dr. Joli Hamilton, CSE 

Relationship Coach

Stop Sacrificing Your Relationship for Your Business

Brian Lovegrove

Leadership Developer & Results Coach

Leverage your growth & maximize your implementation!

Mystery Speaker

Register to find out . . .

Unfortunately, the Summit Registration is closed. The replays are available through the All Access Pass which gives you immediate and unlimited access to all the videos as well as over a dozen bonus interviews and special offers. 
Brian lovegrove
Leadership developer & Results coach
Brian Lovegrove Coaching
Brian started his own personal development at a very young age and his first job in the industry was helping promote and put-on seminars for Tony Robbins. He is an Amazon Best Selling Author and has partnered with several of the biggest names in the personal growth and leadership training industry. 

His big ah-ha moment was that learning is not enough to make lasting change. He realized that most books and training programs only give the student the theory with little to no practical experience which is why most training only lasts for a little while. 
Brian has created the 5 Keys of Success to guide people to develop the skills and strategies to truly become successful in every aspect of life. 

Now Brian helps his clients design and implement those strategies to live a successful AND fulfilling life. What he calls, “Being Incredible.”
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